It is one of the most amazing collaborations in recent times. By the apparent polarity of languages and persons, but above all, by the encounter – and discovery – of an exotic common territory. Daniel Blumberg is an omnipresent figure at London’s famous Café OTO, home to an entire community of exploratory music creators and spectators in the English capital. It’s on this base where much of his work has arisen, in various forms and designations, solo or accompanied. From it sprouts a brutally raw and honest lyric. He embraces composition and improvisation, in a similar proportion, in a talent that burns with slow fire. This is how one can describe his unique performances, often on piano or guitar, with a latent sensitivity. And they are indeed unique, as Blumberg maintains that live music must be exactly that: lived, unrepeatable.
As for Elvin Brandhi, she is a young artist who also takes the intensity of the moment as a leap into something greater. She clashes with Blumberg in the sense that she explodes where the other implodes. The eruption of her voice, the noise of electricity, and the mechanical rhythm are elementary both in her project Yeah You (alongside her father) and as Villaelvin (who this year signed a very strong record for Nyege Nyege). The performative expressiveness with which he delivers himself makes everything more urgent, fresh and vital.
These two forces find a cosmic union in Bahk. A perfect balance of nature, of complementarity and innovation. In the video of “We Never Landed” one experiences a flow of consciousness, catapulting into a faith sphere. Genuine symbiosis of images and sounds, perceptions and illusions, translated into an introspective and balsamic mantra – timeless, if you will. NA