This is the second of five chapters of the project Na Lut@, a tribute to the producer and activist Samira Pereira.
With artistic direction by actress and creator Flávia Gusmão, NA LUT@ is composed of 5 chapters that result in distinct artistic objects. The 1st chapter, the audio-performance #1FLAMBOAIÃ, premiered at Mindelact 2021 Theater Festival, in Cape Verde.
Grief and Loss are the transversal themes of the chapters, which are based on the 5 stages of grief established by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: denial, anger, negotiation, depression, and acceptance. The phases defined by the author are not sequential and chronologically determined, they are intermittent and even simultaneous, which finds a parallel in the artistic objects produced in each chapter, which intersect.
#2 SENNA SPECTABILIS OU CARNAVAL starts from the idea of celebration, from the will to create a party celebrating someone, but it starts, mainly, from the need to get out of the state of sadness and recollection to which we are dragged with the loss.
The sadness of mourning tires us: we get tired of feeling sad and being seen to be sad.
This second chapter summons up the idea of celebration as a catalyst for joy and energy, and these as vehicles for digesting grief and anger.
But does it work?