Visual Arts

Talk with Alda Costa about João Ayres’ exhibition

— em parceria com a Escola Livre

Galeria Zé dos Bois

© Bruno Lopes

Session in partnership with Escola Livre.

On November 22, Galeria Zé dos Bois receives Alda Costa, museologist and historian of Mozambican art, for a conversation about the exhibition “Black ink on white background” by João Ayres. The exhibition presents a set of paintings and drawings by Ayres, produced between 1947 and 1959, the period in which the artist lived in Mozambique. In her book “Art in Mozambique – Between nation building and the world without borders 1932-2004”, Alda Costa analyzes the Mozambican art scene at that time and the work of João Ayres, writing that he “(…) did not claim to be an African artist or a Mozambican artist, but his work, and the influence he exerted, occupies an important place in the history of art in Mozambique and this place should be reclaimed”[1]. In this conversation, we will reflect on Ayres’ role as a precursor of Modernism in Mozambique and the place of his work in the contemporary scene.

[1] Alda Costa, “Art in Mozambique – Between nation building and the world without borders 1932-2004” p. 43

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Alda Costa

Alda Costa was born in Pemba, Mozambique, in 1953. She worked as a museologist in the Museum Department of the Ministry of Culture, which she headed between 1986 and 2001, and with which she maintains, to date, collaboration. She was President of the Installation Commission of the Superior Institute of Arts and Culture/ISArC (2007-09). She is currently Director of Culture at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo.

Her academic training was done in History (1976) and Museology having concluded (2005/2006) the PhD in History of Art with a thesis on modern and contemporary art of Mozambique (c.1932-2004). Her professional experience also includes, among other fields, teaching and curriculum planning. Among her publications are textbooks on history and history teaching, articles, chapters and texts on cultural heritage, museums, museography/museology and art in books, exhibition catalogs and specialized publications.

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