
Funaná Kotchi Po with Dju Di Mana and guests

— 'Funaná, Raça e Masculinidade: uma Trajetória Colonial e Pós-colonial'

Galeria Zé dos Bois

© Rui Cidra
© Rui Cidra
© Rui Cidra
© Rui Cidra

Launch of the book Funaná, Raça e Masculinidade: uma Trajetória Colonial e Pós-colonial by Rui Cidra
Concert Funaná Kotchi Po with Dju Di Mana and guests

On October 23rd at 6PM takes place the launch of the book Funaná, Race and Masculinity: a Colonial and Post-Colonial Trajectory in the presence of the author Rui Cidra, Dju di Mana (button diatonic accordion), Florzinho (Adriano Correia Furtado, iron player) and Nuno Domingos (anthropologist and editor of Outro Modo, ICS). This launch will be followed by the concert Funaná Kotchi Po by Dju Di Mana and guests Vani Di Xilo, Íman Africa, Jovino, Janu and Otávio.

Funaná is a music and dance practice that was created by the peasant population of the Cape Verdean island of Santiago in the post-slavery period of the late 19th century. Originating in the performances of button diatonic accordion and iron bar players in family and community sociabilities, it was outlawed by administrators and clerics during the final period of Portuguese colonialism. After Cape Verde’s independence, the interest of young musicians in this marginal history motivated the creation of new popular music aesthetics. Although gradually accepted within the framework of an official Creole culture promoted by the state, funaná remained an iconic practice of a masculinity understood as “African”. This book situates funaná in colonial and postcolonial social and political history. In particular it questions how this genre of music and dance was historically racialized and what legacies of this process persist in the present.

⟡ Book launch – 18:00
⟡ Concert* – 19:00

* Ticket purchase is required to attend the concert.

Rui Cidra

Anthropologist and contract researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the New University of Lisbon.
Throughout his career he has worked on how music and dance are mobilized in the demarcation of boundaries of race, gender, social class, nation and diaspora between colonial and post-colonial times.
He was deputy editor and writer of the Encyclopedia of Music in Portugal in the 20th Century. His research is also published in international scientific journals such as Ethnomusicology Forum or Postcolonial Studies and in the Europe and Africa volumes of the Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Popular Music Genres of the World.

Dju di Mana

Dju di Mana (António Virgolino dos Santos Moreno) is a button diatonic accordionist player in the tradition of the funaná of the island of Santiago. As a child and youth he participated as an instrumentalist in events of organizations of the one-party regime in Cape Verde (1975-1991) such as OPADCV (Organization of Pioneers Abel Djassi of Cape Verde) and JAACCV (African Youth Amilcar Cabral of Cape Verde). In the late 1990s, inspired by the resurgence of the funaná and the inclusion of the gaita and fero in the configuration of popular music groups, he formed in the city of Praia the grouping Rabenta (1997) with which he recorded two records (Nha Fula, 1998 and Carranganhada, 2000). His interpretations are also recorded on albums by Zeca di Nha Renalda (Zeca di Nha Renalda 20 Anos Depois), Gilyto (Pa Bu Larga), the batuko group Tchubenka or a collection including several bagpipe players living in Santiago and Portugal (Fidjos di Funaná). In the context of these collaborations or with his group he has performed in festivals and concert halls in several Cape Verde islands, in West Africa, in the USA and in Portugal. It is, however, in contexts such as the cafés in Praia, parties in the interior of the island of Santiago or the sociability of the Cape Verdean community in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon that he performs most frequently. In these contexts his instrumental style and his compositions of funaná have contributed to processes of musical and stylistic change such as the emergence of the recent style of funaná kotxi pó.

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