The narrative arc of Gabriel Ferrandini’s ‘Ashes Voluptuousness’ and Filipe Felizardo’s ‘A Conference of Stones and Things Previous – VI’, still in the process of personal discovery, have recently ended. ZDB continues to strengthen relationships of affection and respect with some of the musicians whose work appears in a more or less free way intimately linked to this space, through residences of unequalled creative and human value. In this continuous of frank and fearless work, Norberto Lobo’s name seems as a choice as natural as gratifying given his singularity and all the mutual complicity when facing the unknown bravely.
Lobo will perform now for a ZDB residence between the months of March and May, with three performances in a close pyramidal relationship with trumpeter Yaw Tembe (May session) – member of projects like Zarabatana or Gume.