
TAPE WORM (Solitária)

— 30th anniversary of ZDB at São Luiz


from 4pm to 9pm

TAPE WORM (Solitária) ©Vasco Vilhena

ZDB celebrates its 30th anniversary and congregates part of its community at Teatro São Luiz, with an event that symbolises its creative, experimental and contemporary vocation.

Tape Worm (Solitária) is based on a piece by visual artist Alexandre Estrela, created as a musical controller. This hybrid, physical and digital object is made up of a computer-generated video created in real time and projected onto a metal-engraved plaque.

Throughout the day, the piece expands into an installation and is activated, live, by several guest musician trios. The object and its rules are responsible for editing what the public listens to, and the musicians get to play with or against the machine’s algorithmic current.

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