Following the previous investigations developed regarding the exhibitions Solar Radiation and Cosmic Forces and Putting Fear in its Place , Alexandre Estrela reestablishes bases of approximation to the behavior of images and their perception.
The search for the resistance of images to movement, the attribution, and recognition of physical qualities to their representation, the autonomy of images, and perceptual illusions, are taken based on the experimental studies developed by Alexandre Estrela in the atelier, questions now transferred to outer space.
Alexandre Estrela’s individual exhibition VIAGEM AO MEIO is the result of a project carried out over two years of research through several national and international residencies shared with Natxo Checa, with production by Galeria Zé dos Bois.
VIAGEM AO MEIO is composed of a selection of works resulting from the recent research on the idea of the center and its deviations.
Although the project was developed over several creative residences, the present exhibition focuses essentially on two poles: S. Miguel Island in the Azores and Timor.