Trio composed by the pianist Simone Quatrana – with Mutations / Multicellulars Mutations recorded with Ken Vandermark – and Andrea Grossi from Milan – active in the contemporary and improvised music of Italy with groups such as Blend 3, Blend Orchestra, ParmaFrontiere Orchestra, Roberto Bonati’s Chironomic Ensemble and Milan Music Collective – who join here on a tour in Portugal with Pedro Melo Alves.
Their first collaboration dates back to 2019, the year they met in Borgotaro on the occasion of the Premio Internazionale Giorgio Gaslini of which Pedro was the 2019 winner and Andrea the honorable mention.
Together they form a trio of contemporary improvised music, focusing on aesthetics reminiscent of the music of Morton Feldman, György Ligeti, Giacinto Scelsi, Stefano Scodanibbio or Craig Taborn.