
Desordem do Conceptual Branco

— with Suzana, Cire, Flow, Eva, Ari.you.ok

© Vera Marmelo

The concerts will take place at NOVO NEGÓCIO (Marvila), being complient with the rules of social distancing foreseen by DGS. Capacity is limited and the use of masks is mandatory.

Rama em Flor x ZDB

5 artists with distinct experiences, which become similar due to the racialization process, get together for a trip to the classical music universe. Contrasting the invisibilization of black autorus and the appropriation that has been made throughout history, we start from a celebration of ancestral black composers to reach black artists of the contemporary era.


22 years old, attends the Music Creation and Production course at the World Academy. At the age of 3 she started studying the violin, having done her secondary education at the Music School of the National Conservatory. Throughout these years of training, she has participated in concerts and recitals, both in orchestral formations, chamber music groups and contemporary experimental music. Currently she has been playing as violinist and vocalist in Tristany’s project “Meia Riba kalxa”, where she has been exploring new musical paths and styles.

Cire Ndiaye

Cire Ndiaye started her journey in music as a violinist at the age of 9 at the Academia de Música Fernandes Fão (Ponte de Lima) where she was a student of Eva Neiva. In 2011 she continued her training at the Escola Profissional de Música de Viana do Castelo where she was part of Armando Gonzalez’s class. She participated in masterclasses with Alejandro Oliva, Olga Prats, Zófia Woycicka, among others.


Florêncio Manhique is a Mozambican cellist born in Manica. He began studying cello in 2013 in the Xiquitsi project, and in 2017 he came second in the prize for best student in the same project. He has participated in masterclasses by Peter Martens, Fernando Arias. He has participated in festivals such as Stellenbosch International Chambre Music (South Africa), the Maputo Classical Music season (Mozambique)and the Viseu International Spring Music Festival (Portugal). He was a trainee in the Orchestra of the Neojiba project (Brazil) and in the ICED Festival (Brazil). He won a scholarship under the Procultura project and is currently at the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa in the class of Varoujan Bartikya.

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