Pedro Sousa
Saxophonist of unstoppable run and vital energy for several movements in this and other cities, Pedro Sousa is recognized as having a rare and natural capacity to inhabit and confuse several musical spheres, which in its passage through jazz in various forms, through the most daring electronics, through skewed rock and improvisations without name or place, never loses the collection and personal mark of the most honest and nonconformist. From the long time partnership with Gabriel Ferrandini – in duo, Volupias, Casa Futuro or more or less perennial formations – to EITR, occasional collaborations with bands like Black Bombaim to the most recent collusion with Simão Simões. And so on, back and forth in an expansive network that has sublimated a language as continuously new as it is singular. Blessed craft. BS
Tiago Silva
Portuguese guitarist whose meticulous and passionate research work around that instrument has been done sparingly in obscurity. Erecting a rough music with sharp edges, he works in a field where the riff assumes itself as a matter in constant deconstruction, close to noise but with one foot firmly in the blues and rock tradition, in the lineage of names such as Keiji Haino, Bill Nace (Body/Head), Donald Miller (Borbetomagus) or Peter Kolovos. BS